Professor Kevin Zhen

Master, 2018-2019
Professor Kevin Zhen earned his PhD in economics from the University of Cambridge. He has many years of living experience in residential colleges at Cambridge. As a scholar, his academic field is industrial economics. He published the world’s first book on China’s retailing and the first book on introduction to China’s capital markets. He likes teaching and has taught many undergraduate courses, such as Principles of Economics, International Economics, China’s Economy, Investments, Strategic Management, International Business, etc., and some MBA courses, such as Global Marketing Strategy, for Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), and some professional courses for the Hong Kong CPA Association. He was a joint professor and a supervisor for PhD students at HKBU.
As an educator, Professor Zhen is a pioneer of internationalization in high education and is active in education reform. He was one of the early founders of the first joint-venture university between Hong Kong and the Mainland, Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist University United International College. He was the founding program director of four programs: Financial Mathematics, Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting there. Professor Zhen was the Vice-President of Global Affairs and Student Recruitment at the Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai. He built two colleges collaborating with American and French universities within three years. He was the founding Dean of Sino-US College, which has developed 9 joint programs collaborating with 5 American top universities, and the founding Dean of Bryant University Zhuhai.
Professor Zhen actively engages in cultural and arts activities. He built an international alliance of art and design schools involving universities from different continents. He likes Chinese traditional culture and promoting Confucianism.