To broaden the students’ global perspective, CKYC has actively built Partner College relationships with Colleges in other regions of China and overseas. The four-way alliance of Meng Xiancheng College of East China Normal University, Chongshi College of Xian Jiaotong University, Fengru College of Beihang University and CKYC represents the East, West, North and South regions of China. In each season (spring, summer, autumn and winter), each College hosts visits from the other three Colleges. These mutual visits have been valuable and enriching experiences for all students and staff concerned.

CKYC has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a partnership with Zhejiang University (Residential College of International Campus), and another one with Tongji University. Through providing students with the opportunity of idea exchange and visits between colleges, students can know more about the culture and historical heritage in mainland China. Their understanding towards Chinese society’s current development can be enhanced.

To offer students with worldwide experiential learning opportunities that promote international understanding, a global perspective and long-term interest in other cultures. CKYC has already signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a partnership with King’s College of the University of Queensland.