As the final year students at the university, we are at a pivotal moment in our academic journey and preparing to move ahead to the next chapter of our lives. This is a time of reflection and growth as we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Some may strive for final year projects, while some may wish to extend their experiences through internship and exchange programmes. Here are some CKYC graduands’ sharings for what they will do in this significant period:

Duan Zhuo, a Year 4 student majoring in Chinese education, completed her internship at a local high school in Macau. During this experience, she felt the passion and sense of responsibility of her supervising teachers towards education, emphasizing not only curriculum teaching but also the importance of nurturing students. She observed and learned from different teaching styles of teachers preparing for public classes, engaging in discussions with classmates and colleagues, and gaining valuable insights. For Duan Zhuo, the most interesting and educational aspect of this internship experience was the teaching process, which she only truly appreciated when standing in front of the class, learning to handle various unexpected situations. After each lesson, she received feedback and reflections from her supervising teachers and colleagues, which made her learnt a lot.

Coming from Malaysia, Erinna Tan Qian Ni, a Year 4 student majoring in Economics, participated in an exchange program at the Faculty of Social Sciences, spending her first semester of last academic year at the University of Southern Denmark. She expressed that studying abroad in Europe and experiencing diverse cultures had been a dream of hers since high school. During her time there, she gained insights into Western lifestyle, culture, local economic conditions, and the differences between Western and Eastern education systems.

During her journey to Denmark, she had to figure out many things on her own. In Odense, she got around on a bicycle and cooked for herself. The leisurely European lifestyle which is called “hygge” allowed her to slow down and appreciate the people and things around her, spend more time alone reflecting, and further understand herself. She also made friends from around the world, traveling together by bus and train to explore another country.

(Source: UM Official WeChat)

CKYC Student Duan Zhuo

CKYC Student Erinna Tan Qian Ni