“The Development of City and Culture Exchange Program” is jointly initiated by Chongshi College of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Meng Xiancheng College of East China Normal University, Fengru College of Beihang University, and Choi Kai Yau College of the University of Macau. This program is a cross-school, cross-city cultural exchange activity aimed at exploring the unique cultures of the four cities.

The exchange activities in Xi’an combined the rich historical and cultural heritage of Chang’an with the dynamic innovation spirit of the city. Students from the four colleges engaged in activities that explored both the historical and contemporary aspects, fostering patriotism, deepening their understanding of historical heritage, and cultivating a progressive mindset.

By establishing mixed groups consisting of outstanding undergraduate students from the four colleges, the program provided a platform for cultural integration and academic exchange. Through discussions, workshops, and field visits, the students had the opportunity to broaden their horizons, gain in-depth knowledge of urban culture, and develop a comprehensive perspective on urban development.

Text: Wu Haochun