Choi Kai Yau College holds its first High Table Dinner of AY2016/2017 and 2015/2016 Scholarship Presentation

The night of 1st September, 2016, Choi Kai Yau College (CKYC) held its first High Table Dinner. It was a great success. More than 200 students and staff gathered together and shared their college life. Prof. David Pong (Master of CKYC), Resident Fellow, College administrative staff and students joined together to welcome our distinguished guests, Mrs. Janice Choi, CKYC Benefactor and Advisor & Legal Director, Sunwah Group , Prof. Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Director of Common Core Curriculum in HKU, Prof. Spencer Benson, Director of CTLE and Senior Fellow of CKYC, Prof. Kai Meng Mok, Dean of Honours College, Prof. Yilin Sun, Director of English Language Centre, Prof. Timothy Simpson, Associate Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences and Senior Fellow of CKYC, Prof. Kam Weng Tam, Associate Dean of Faculty of Science & Technology and Affiliate of CKYC, Mr. Peng Chun Vong, Director of Alumni & Development Office, Mr. Elvo Sou, Head of Student Counselling Section in Student Affairs Office, Ms. Vivian Chan, General Manager of HR, Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, Ms. Grace Cheang, Director of Finance and Administration Department, Macau International Airport Co., Ltd., Mr. Yuk Fai Chiu, Alick, Executive Director, Banco Comercial de Macau, Mr. Heino Gregorek, Director, Rohde & Schwarz Hong Kong Ltd., Mr. Frank Wong, Managing Director, Rohde & Schwarz Hong Kong Ltd., Mr. HoiLung Wang, Sales Manager, Rohde & Schwarz Hong Kong Ltd., and Mrs. Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren, Founding Artistic Director, Folded Paper Dance and Theatre (Hong Kong)


With the beautiful College Anthem sung by CKY College Chamber Choir, distinguished guests processed into the Dining Hall and were welcomed by enthusiastic applause. Prof. Pong welcomed the guests and opened the evening by stressing the significance of the CKYC Tripod: to think critically and analytically, so as to conduct debates of opposing views in a civil and thoughtful manner; to cultivate strong awareness of global affairs; and to build a caring community. After that, Prof. Kochhar Lindgren, Director of Common Core Curriculum, HKU, who was invited to be the honorable guest to deliver the keynote speech, led us to the highlight of the High Table Dinner night. During the speech, Prof Kochhar Lingren suggested a set of standpoint about how to study and develop in the college, which benefited the students a lot. After the inspiring speech, Prof. David Pong present CKYC mascot, the CKYC bear, to Prof. Kochhar Lindgren as a souvenir. Following this link, 17 outstanding students from all over the University were congratulated and respectively awarded Choi Kai Yau Scholarship, CTM scholarship, Macau International Airport Co. Ltd Scholarship, BCM Scholarship and Rohde and Schwarz Wireless Communications Scholarship.

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Besides the wonderful speeches and scholarship award ceremony, Choi Kai Yau College students produced a string of amazing and highly enjoyable performances, which turned the night into a great artistic show. First, we had the piano four-hands performance given by Bobo and Grace. Then CKYC chamber choir brought us a wonderful melody, Piu non si trovano. We were intoxicated in the fascinating classical music. After that the newly-founded Chinese dance team of CKYC performed the Jing Hong Dance, which originates from Tang Dynasty; it left us a deep impression. And what cheered us most was the K-POP dancing performed by CKYC cheer leading team. Finally, CKYC band A.C.O performed a popular song of Eason Chan, Fu Kua, which brought the evening of pomp, ceremony, and entertainment to a climax.


At the end of the dinner, everyone joined in the group photo, drawing a successful close to the vibrant night, a night that left the CKYC resident an unforgettable experience. As an MC of the CKYC High Table Dinner this time, I witnessed the hard work of the staffs, the wonderful speeches and performances and the high enthusiasm of the students. It was not only a dinner, but also a chance to learn more about the world by listening to the speeches given by the guests, making new friends and enjoying the college life. And that’s actually the meaning of the High Table Dinner.

Prepared by:
Year 1 Choi Kai Yau College student Ms. Kristy Yu, Female master of ceremonies (English)
Year 2 Choi Kai Yau College student Mr. Winner Zeng, Male master of ceremonies (Chinese)

2016年第一次蔡繼有書院高桌晚宴成功於9月1日的晚上舉辦。200多名同學和師長齊聚一堂,一起分享他們的愉快的大學生活。蔡繼有書院院長龐百騰教授、資深書院導師齊亞寧博士、書院行政人員和學生聯手歡迎我們的主講嘉賓──新華集團顧問及法律總監、蔡繼有書院贊助人代表蔡關穎琴女士,香港大學共同核心課程主任Gray Kochhar Lindgren教授,教學與學習提高中心主任及蔡繼有書院高級導師Spencer Benson教授,榮譽學院院長莫啟明教授,英語語言中心主任孫以琳教授,社會科學學院副院長及蔡繼有書院高級導師Timothy Simpson教授,科技學院副院長譚錦榮教授,校友發展辦公室主任黃炳銓先,學生事務處學生輔導處處長蘇桂龍先生,澳門電訊公司人力資源部經理陳女士,澳門國際機場專營股份有限公司金融及管理部門主任鄭女士,澳門商業銀行執行理事趙玉輝先生,羅德與施瓦茨香港有限公司總經理黃先生,銷售部經理王先生,及Folded Paper Dance and Theatre(Hong Kong)主任Kanta Kochhar Lindgren女士。

伴隨著優美的蔡繼有書院合唱團同唱的澳門大學校歌、蔡繼有書院院歌和同學們熱烈歡迎的掌聲下,尊貴的賓客們徐徐步進大廳。龐教授首先向大家介紹了今晚的嘉賓,同時強調蔡繼有書院三個宗旨:包括有批判性及分析性地思考,和能夠對對立觀點進行全面的論別;培養對全球事務的關心;建立一個充滿愛心的社會。接著,香港大學共同核心課程主任Gray Kochhar Lindgren教授應邀擔任該次高桌晚宴的主講嘉賓,為當晚牽起另一個亮點。演講過程中,大使先生提出的一系列關於如何在住宿式書院中學習與成長的觀點使同學們受益匪淺。演講結束後,龐院長將蔡繼有書院的吉祥物蔡繼有熊作為紀念品送給了Gray Kochhar Lindgren教授。在此之後,我們舉行了隆重的頒獎典禮。共有十七位同學分獲蔡繼有獎學金、澳門電訊獎學金、澳門國際機場專營股份有限公司獎學金、澳門商業銀行、羅德與施瓦茨香港有限公司獎學金。

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除了精彩演講與隆重的頒獎儀式之外,蔡繼有書院高桌晚宴上還有高雅與精彩的表演。首先是Bobo和Grace兩位同學為大家帶來精彩的鋼琴四手連彈。接下來,書院合唱團為大家帶來莫扎特譜曲的Piu non si trovano,讓大家沉醉在古典音樂的美妙當中。書院新組建的中國舞舞蹈隊為大家獻上了源自唐代宮廷的舞蹈—驚鴻舞,給觀眾們留下深刻的印象。書院啦啦隊表演的飽含熱情的K-POP舞蹈給大家帶來的視覺和情感上雙重體驗。最後由書院樂隊演唱的流行歌曲陳奕迅的浮誇把當晚的氣氛帶到了高潮。



蔡繼有書院一年級學生 司儀 余欣桐 (英文)
蔡繼有書院二年級學生 司儀 曾閏祺 (中文)
