Professor Chanthika PORNPITAKPAN, currently serving as CKYC Non-Resident Fellow and Associate Professor of Management of the Faculty of Business Administration, has been included among the top 2% of scientists in the entire world in 2023 according to the citation analysis report by Stanford University and Elsevier, which is one of the world’s most influential publishers (https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6). The report lists the top 100,000 scientists in 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields based on the composite score known as the c-score (with and without self-citations), which considers various factors such as the number of citations, the h-index (author-level indicator that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications), co-authorship, and author position (single author, first author, and last author), or scientists who rank in the top 2% in their disciplines. Notably, the c-score emphasizes the impact of a publication (measured by the number of times it has been cited) rather than the sheer productivity (number of publications) of a particular researcher.
Professor Chanthika received a PhD in international business/marketing from the University of British Columbia, a Master of Business Administration (with Distinction) from Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University (subsequently renamed as Sasin School of Management), and a Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honors) from Chulalongkorn University. Before joining the University of Macau, she was a full-time faculty member teaching marketing subjects at various famous universities in the Asia Pacific region such as the National University of Singapore.
Professor Chanthika has extensive experience in marketing and consumer research. Her research has been published in esteemed international peer-reviewed (refereed) journals such as Journal of International Business Studies. Furthermore, her publications have been cited in numerous international refereed journal articles, books, and dissertations. These citations span multiple languages, encompassing English, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and more. Her publications have also been used as teaching materials in various universities around the world.
In addition to her academic accomplishments and contributions, Professor Chanthika has actively organized and joined various College and student activities and provided academic support to CKYC students, demonstrating her dedication to enhancing the lives and academic development of students. The entire CKYC community is thrilled to extend their heartfelt congratulations and full support to Professor Chanthika PORNPITAKPAN!